Earth Notes: Heat Battery Grid Top-up Maximum
(See the control parameters, logs, dataset and backstory.)
This page shows the maximum percent-full to top-up to from the grid, if any, for the DHW heat battery.
Diversion plus top-up today: 0kWh
Heat battery control log entry: 2024-12-10T07:31Z MT 0 GI 255 IT 67 F WRbvxN ES 1
Putative current raw top-up level (when allowed): 65% (normal min 0%, max 100%).
- [MT] 0% heat battery Maximum Top-up level: 0%
- [GI] Grid Intensity gCO2/kWh: 255 (7d mean 150)
- [IT] Grid gCO2/kWh Intensity Threshold below which discretionary top-up is allowed: 67.
- [F ] expected grid demand from High (peak) / - (normal) / Low (off-peak).
- [F R] grid is Red (high) intensity, or unknown [r].
- [F W] solar generation Winter minimum.
- Recent (7/8) days when tank or battery did not fill: 87%
External control tables: