This page shows the maximum percent-full to top-up to from the grid, if any, for the DHW heat battery.
Diversion plus top-up today: 0kWh
Heat battery control log entry: 2025-02-14T10:21Z MT 0 GI 239 IT 92 F FbvxN ES 1
Putative current raw top-up level (when allowed): 63% (normal min 0%, max 100%).
[MT] 0% heat battery Maximum Top-up level: 0%
[GI] Grid Intensity gCO2/kWh: 239 (7d mean 185)
[IT] Grid gCO2/kWh Intensity Threshold below which discretionary top-up is allowed: 92.
[F ] expected grid demand from High (peak) / - (normal) / Low (off-peak).
[F B] Enphase AC Battery SoC too high to allow transfer to heat battery, or unknown [b].
[F F] good Forecast PV generation tomorrow.
Recent (8/8) days when tank or battery did not fill: 100%
Previous day and today: heat battery max % fill/target from grid, grid intensity, intensity threshold, eddi state (black=stopped=60, red=full=50, yellow=boost=40, green=divert=30).