# Plot (in letterbox and square forms) a by-hour time series summary. # Input data of form: #beat bytes/h hits/h #00 804345.1 46.125 #01 828962.1 46.25 #02 829160.0 44.125 #03 895587.4 45.5 #04 786173.6 42.0 #05 995659.6 49.375 #06 874302.25 49.75 #07 834344.0 47.125 #08 1058068.5 52.125 #09 944422.75 51.625 #10 983488.4 51.375 #11 995267.25 54.0 #12 960692.9 57.375 #13 868717.75 50.625 #14 919967.0 53.0 #... # Input filename supplied as: # gnuplot -e "infilename='in.dat'" if (!exists("infilename")) infilename='bhs-in.dat' # Output filename prefix supplied as: # gnuplot -e "outfilenameprefix='outprefix'" if (!exists("outfilenameprefix")) outfilenameprefix='bhs-out' # Letterbox 800x200 PNG. outputlb=outfilenameprefix . '.lb.png' set terminal png small size 800,200 set output outputlb #print "Saving letterbox form to " . outputlb # x data is just (cyclic) labels. set key box opaque set xdata set xtics 1 set grid unset border set noytics #set y2tics set xrange noextend #set format y "MB/h %.1f" #set format y2 "hits/h %g" plot infilename \ using (column(0)/24):($2/1000000) title columnheader with points, \ "" using (column(0)/24):3 title columnheader with points axes x1y2 # Square 1600x1600 PNG. outputsq=outfilenameprefix . '.sq.png' set terminal png large size 1600,1600 set output outputsq #print "Saving square coverart form to " . outputsq # x data is just (cyclic) labels. set key opaque set xdata set xtics 1 set grid unset border set ytics set y2tics set xrange noextend set format y "MB/h %.1f" set format y2 "hits/h %g" plot infilename \ using (column(0)/24):($2/1000000) title columnheader smooth bezier lw 8, \ "" using (column(0)/24):3 title columnheader smooth bezier axes x1y2 lw 10