# Plot main graph and thumbnail of hits by hour of day. # Input format: #00 0.00 # ... #05 0.00 #06 40.00 #07 60.00 #08 0.00 # ... #23 0.00 # Plot main graph. set terminal png set output ".work/HourOfDay.png" set terminal png small size 640,480 set title "% hits by hour UTC" set format x "%gh" set format y "%g%%" set xrange [0:23] set xtics 4 #set noytics #set noborder #set rmargin 0 #set tmargin 0 #set bmargin 0 #set lmargin 0 plot ".work/HourOfDay.dat" \ using 1:2 notitle with lines # Plot thumbnail set terminal png set output ".work/HourOfDay-tn.png" set terminal png small size 80,60 set xrange [0:23] set noxtics set noytics set noborder set rmargin 0 set tmargin 0 set bmargin 0 set lmargin 0 plot ".work/HourOfDay.dat" \ using 1:2 smooth bezier notitle with lines